Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Power of One, New You Weekly Weigh in: Feb 16, 2011

Power of One Challenge

Well, I think I have had another good week.
My current weight is 240.7.  That is a 2.2 pound loss from last week. 

I think it would have been better, but the last couple of days my intensity level has not been as good as last week as I somehow hurt my left foot and can't put much weight on it.  So of course I can't balance very well for some of my WiiFit exercises and it is hard for me to get up to the right intensity on my DVD.
Last week I said I was going to start eating some more Fat Burning foods as mentioned over at Plus Size Bloggers.  I haven't done real well with that yet. She has also posted about the fat burning benefits of Green Tea. I purchased some and my son and I have had a cup each, but haven't had any since.  I am not a big one for tea (and my mother being British and all). You should really go over to Plus Size Bloggers to check out all the fat burning tips she is posting.  You can also sign up for her Ezines with more great info.  Though it is too late to be signing up for this months challenge, there will be another one coming up.  I am on my way to lpsing 10 pounds in the month of Feb (for that challenge I have actually lost 7.5 pounds!)
Hoping for another good week this week.


  1. Yay for losing 7.5 pounds this month! That's awesome!

  2. Great loss this month!! Whooohooo!! I guess I need to head over there and check them out. Sounds like I would benefit from it.

  3. You're doing great, Karen! I hope I can do as well as you are. :-) Thanks for stopping over at my blog and following me. I'm following you, too. :-) Have a great week! Looking forward to your next post.

  4. Great job! You are doing so well!
