Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Weekly Weigh In- New You, Power of One (January 26, 2011)

Power of One Challenge

Well this week went a whole lot better, on the scales, in the resisting temptation, in the measurements (well sort of), and in exercising.
I lost 3.3 pounds this week.  I am down to 246.7.  I have so many different starting weights with different challenges/support link-ups I am not sure how to record what my total is.  From the beginning of the Pound for Pound Challenge I have lost 8.2 pounds.  The goal is to lose 25 pounds, I think I am doing well.  My starting weight I recorded for the Power of One Challenge was 257.3 and my goal is to lose 10 pounds by February 23.  Well, I guess that goal was a little low.  Wonder if I can lose another 10 pounds by Feb 23.

Definitely limiting the sweets seems to have helped.  I was a little nervous because we just had Tabitha's birthday cake yesterday and I was snacking on cake and frosting Monday night plus nibbled on more cake than I should have yesterday.  I definitely can't have this stuff in my house.  I can't stop with one piece.  I tend to cut off a tiny piece figuring it's better than a whole piece.  Which it would be if I wouldn't go back for more and more little pieces or finger fulls of frosting.  If it hadn't been for that cake though, I had done really good limiting to only a couple of times a week at midday.  Now to re-commit to only 2 days of sweets this week.  One day is gone.  (What can I say, my son made a yummy cake.  If you want to see the cake I will be posting a picture of it in a couple of days with her birthday post over at Tots and Me)

Now, measurement wise I have not yet seen much improvement.  Everything except my legs have stayed the same.  There was a half inch loss in my thighs and a 1/4 inch loss in my calves.  Hoping to see some more improvement soon.

Exercising has been going well.  I have stuck to the WiiFit in the mornings.  I always do my routine, which includes Yoga and Strength.  Then some days I have also done some other aerobic activities or my DVD.  I haven't exercised in the afternoon every day. That is one thing I would like to improve.  Lately Miss Hannah hasn't been taking her afternoon nap at the same time as the girls, making it hard to get anything done.

So this week, I plan to

  • stay away from the sweets except for one more day.
  • exercise every day except Sunday.
  • exercise at least three afternoons (DVD or Biggest Loser).
  • start implementing some of the things I learned in the book I reviewed, Alpine Weight Loss Secrets by Stefan Aschan.  (Stefan grew up in an Alpine environment and has shared some of the knowledge he gained growing up in this area where people are fit because of their every day life style.  As he states over on the website, he grew up "where the folks in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s look and move like people in their late 30’s."  If you would like to learn more about this book head on over to Alpine Weight Loss Secrets website.  You could also check out my review over at Tots and Me and enter the giveaway.  There are multiple chances to enter)
Hoping to see continued improvement.  If you are here from one of the link-ups please leave a comment. I will head on over to your blog as soon as I can and follow you.

From New You 2011
- Weight Goal: 160
- Last week's weight: 250
- This week's weight: 246.7
- And tell us about what you are doing to reach your goals/how your week has been/ any setbacks, etc?! See above

Also we've decided to do a question of the week!! This week is:

What's your favorite healthy food/snack? 
My son and I love when we can make a big salad for lunch.  Romaine and spinach, lots of veges (broccoli, cauliflower, onion, green pepper, avocado, raisins, a little chicken or beef, or tuna (we love sprouts too when we can get them and raw corn)


  1. Great job minimizing the sweets! It can be so hard, but it makes such a difference. If you keep that up, you will definitely start to see changes in your measurements!

    Great loss and good for you that you need to re-evaluate your goal! Keep up the great work!

  2. Way to go!! I like the idea of doing the Wii fit in the morning. I have been meaning to set mine up (it was a goal I did not meet last week), maybe I will get around to it this weekend :) Thanks for visiting my blog, I am now following yours. In case you didn't see my reply, here is a link to the webpage for the author of Eating Right for Your Type diet:

  3. Sounds like you are doing a great job with this challenge. Keep it up!
