Saturday, January 22, 2011

Weekly Weigh In- New You, Power of One (January 22, 2011)

I postponed posting this week because I was a little disappointed on Wednesday when my weight showed I had only lost .9 pounds. I had thought I was doing pretty good.  I had added to my exercise routine.  I had reached my intermediate goal on WiiFit early.  But then my weight crept up a little each day.  I was getting a bit depressed because I had set a 10 pound loss for the next month as my goal and when I got on the balance board to weigh in I was more than I was when setting said goal, though less than the week before.  And when I measured myself I could NOT believe that I lost only 1/4 inch in certain areas but gained in others.  How, I asked myself, did I gain over an inch in my waist when I have been exercising over an hour each morning.

I have decided to weigh myself only once a week like I used to.  That way I am not depressed each day if I gained weight, because I know weight does fluctuate.  And, I know almost one pound loss in one week is better than nothing.  Guess it was a mistake to make such a big goal for this month.  I also realized some of the weight problem was probably due to the fact that we had made yummy Melted Snowman Cookies to go with our Snowman lessons.  And while we were making the cookies I gave into the temptation of cookie dough and a cookie after they came out of the oven, all in the name of making sure they tasted good of course.  (oops).  There went my goal of not eating after dinner.   

I have decided to go with out sweets again this week to see if it will help.  Except I allowed myself two days of something sweet.  The first day is long gone and today we had toaster strudels with lunch (we did a "Breakfast for Lunch Muffin Tin").  So, technically my two days are done, but Tabitha's birthday party is next Tuesday and Steven is planning on making a cake.  I do plan on having some, I just have to stay strong and not nibble while it is being made.  

So I lost .9 pounds this week which brought me down to 250.

Obviously my food weakness is sweets and nibbling.  Muenster cheese is  a bad one too.

I am going to try to do my yoga and strength on Wii Fit everyday, alternating between WiiFit aerobic and my Aerobic DVD.  While the children are napping we are also taking turns stepping or doing our Biggest Loser Wii Fit "game."  I am hoping to see a bigger change by next Wednesday.  I am also starting to implement some of the tips I learned from a book I am reviewing, called Alpine Weight Loss Secrets by Stephan Aschan.  I have been given the opportunity of receiving another copy or using it to give away.  I will be hosting a giveaway for this book starting tomorrow over on my main blog, Tots and Me.  Head on over for my review and for your chance to enter the giveaway.  There will be multiple entry chances.

Power of One Challenge


  1. You can do it!
    Sweets is one of my weaknesses as well.
    Thanks for linking up with us, good luck!

  2. Are you sure it may not be muscle weight?
    Keep focus and dont give up.
