Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring In2 Action Challenge: Week 2

Spring In2 Action

  Time to weigh in and check in with Spring In2 Action over a The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans.

Well this week was far from stellar.  Must I post?    Okay, fine, if you insist.

I have definitely had a hard time meeting my goals this week.  

Here are my goals from the beginning of the year. I haven't really looked at them recently, so lets see how I am doing as we are now in the middle of March.

  • Go to bed by 11pm   Nope, midnight still seems to be the best I can do.
  • Wake up and read the Old Testament reading from The NIV Daily Bible I have got to start doing this. But because I wake up later than I want I don't take the time to do this.  The way it is right now, trying to get my exercise in, we are not ready for our day until around 10am.  What with having to eat breakfast, clean up, brush teeth and hair.  Gotta get to bed by 11 and set my alarm I guess, because this goal is too important to neglect.
  • Use the Wii Fit Plus (my routine is currently 20 minutes of Yoga and Strength and 30-40 minutes of Aerobics, depending upon the children of course)  I have been getting the Yoga and Strength done everyday minus one.  But some days that is all I get in.  I have had a hard time getting the extra exercise in this week.  And when I do it has been the Wii aerobics, like the step and boxing which is obviously not enough.  Need to fit in that DVD!
  • Be more active with the children (dancing, chasing around, park in the spring, walks when it warms up) Let's see, we danced a couple of days this week.  
  • Read my New Testament and Psalms/Proverbs readings from The NIV Daily Bible at nap time, plus my Blogging to Bible Study challenge. Okay, have not been doing this either.  And I have never found out any more about the Blogging to Bible Study challenge, not sure what happened with it.
  • Possibly get some exercise in during nap time (but I will use this time for blogging too). Probably my Aerobics DVD, or a walk in good weather.  Hoping to get a Step DVD with taxes. None this week.
  • Eat at least one salad a day. Haven't met this goal this week.
  • Cut way back on sweets. Again, not my best week.  We have that Biggest Loser Cookbook from the library and I have been trying to use recipes from it.  Unfortunately I have also made some desserts, which would be okay if I limit them to lunch time like I was supposed to but we have had snacks after dinner.  Ooops.
  • Get up and clean or walk or something while I wait for the slow computer to load, instead of twiddling my thumbs. Ooops
  • I am looking into the 16 Week Challenge in my book by the First Place author Carole Lewis titled Back on Track. Not doing this after all.
  • No food after dinner, I will allow myself a dessert occasionally, but it has to by at dinner time. Yes, I know I said above that I don't allow myself dessert after dinner but here it says I do.  I changed this goal after posting these goals. I have been faithful to not actually eating after dinner is done though.
  • No late night snacking. Check.
  • Drink lots of water, including 2 glasses full before each meal. Not my best week for remembering water before the meals.
My goal is to lose at least 60 pounds by the end of 2011. I think I will be able to do more than that now, seeing how well I have done during the past 2 1/2 months. I do realize the weight won't come off as easily or as fast as I keep losing.  I started the year at 257.3, have lost 24.8 pounds already.  I'd love to accomplish a 10 pound loss each month, but I don't think that is realistic as I keep losing weight. I would love to try to lose another 70 pounds by the end of the year.  
My short term goal is to lose 10 pounds by the end of the Power of One Challenge on February 23rd. Well, I surpassed that.  

I really wasn't sure how I was going to do this week.  I know I still haven't been doing as much exercise as I was because of my foot, though it has improved greatly.  And somehow along the way I have gotta away from some of my other goals. I haven't been very faithful at getting my exercise in twice a day.  I have been spending more time sitting at the computer again.  And still haven't managed to get to bed by 11pm.  Midnight is about the best I seem to do.  I use the excuse that I have my uninterrupted computer time after the children are finally settled down for the night.  I really don't know how I spend so much time online though.  Gotta work on that bedtime this week.

I have snacked more this week than I had been.  Especially while getting meals ready.  Sometimes I catch myself and pour myself a glass of water.  Gotta remember the water first.   

I did not reach my intermediate goal for Wii Fit, so now I am questioning my ability to be down to 220 by my birthday.  We'll see.

Here is this week's weight:

It's up from last week:

However, looking at the last two weeks, perhaps I lost too much last week?  I know, I'm reaching.  Still shouldn't have gained.

Definitely haven't been getting very much exercise in. Oops, I did do my DVD this morning, forgot to log it in.

Starting weight Spring In2 Action Challenge: 237.7
Previous Weight: 232.8
Today's Weight: 233.5
Weight Loss This Week: + .7
Total Loss Since started Challenge: 4.2 pounds
Total Loss since weight loss journey got serious on December 13th 2010: 28.4

Not sure about my measurements this week.

The funny thing is, I heard from my buddy Emy yesterday and she gained as well.  Not sure what we were thinking.


  1. Hang in's frustrating when you have a week like that but get back on the band wagon and keep going!

  2. As you know sometimes there are water weight fluctuation it probably not an actual gain. You have done really great with your WL this year so far!

  3. Wow! My goal is to lose my excess weight by the end of this year! I really want it bad, but I've let some time get past me without any results. The weight I need to lose is almost 60 pounds!

    Glad to see you have reading God's word in your goals!

  4. you've got a lot of balls in the air! i found that reading my Bible whenever it was convienent was the best way to work it into my daily life. Sounds awful doesn't it? But it worked and now I'm more deliberate about it. I'm sure if you keep working you'll find a way to fit it in :)
